Heartland International, Inc. has been an Independent Manufacturer's Representative for the CONKLIN® Company, Inc. since 1974. We represent all six of the divisions and all 250+ products manufactured by the CONKLIN® Company. Today, our customers, distributors, and field managers are found in all 50 states and several territories. Heartland's Distribution Network is responsible for nearly 20% of the CONKLIN® Company's total annual sales. We provide direct shipment to retail customers, we screen and represent those interested in becoming independent wholesale distributors, and provide ongoing support and training for our customers, distributors, and managers.

Dennis and Patty Nun became independent manufacturer's representatives for the CONKLIN® Company in 1974, and since then have dedicated over 50 years to developing a network of customers and independent distributors that share their vision that the best products in the world won't sell themselves... the sale of the products we represent are based on availability and service that match the quality of the products themselves.
Dennis and Patty both grew up on farms in southeastern Nebraska. Dennis attended the University of Nebraska and earned a B.S. and M.S. in Agricultural Economics in 1975. Patty earned a Master of Arts Degree in both Psychology and Biblical Studies from Grace University. She has been in private practice as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, is a Certified Firearms Instructor, international life coach, certified grief counselor, and an author. Dennis and Patty have been married since 1973, have six grown children, and nine grandchildren. They have a team of dedicated staff to address questions and provide ongoing training and support. We invite you to call on us for any assistance at any time. We're here to count on!
Heartland International, Inc. Staff:

Brianna Nun has grown up working in the family business but has recently taken on the role of Director of Sales and Marketing, especially focused on the screening of new distributors and the on-boarding and orientation of new representatives of the Conklin Company working with Heartland International. Additionally, Brianna will be handling all client relationships and developing new relationships with prospective commercial partnerships. She has a BA from Columbia College in Chicago and an MBA in International Business from Florida Atlantic University. Her work experience consists of over ten years of sales and professional recruiting for both midwestern and international companies. She can be reached at Brianna.Nun@HeartlandInternational.com for assistance in your new business development.

Cody Johnson has been with Heartland International since 2016 serving as our Director of Communication working with our various websites, social media, YouTube, email, print, and direct mail projects for Heartland as well as the entire Conklin Family21 Organization. She has designed all of our current websites, maintains our registered domains, updates, and monitors our websites. You can connect with Cody at Family21News@gmail.com or contact Dennis Nun if you have specific programs or projects with which you need assistance.

Amy Miller is our Financial Secretary that you can contact at amymillerbookkeeping@gmail.com if you have questions about any billings you might receive from Heartland. Or contact Stan Smith who sends those out and manages our shipping and invoicing at SSmith.conklin@gmail.com.

Stan Smith has been a Conklin Distributor since 2001 and he and his wife Vicky were appointed Conklin Directors in 2016 and have a Distributor network that is nationwide but concentrated in western Nebraska, northwest Kansas and eastern Colorado. Stan also serves as the on-site manager of our Family21 Star City Pickup-Point and Distribution Center in Lincoln, Nebraska which serves as a local warehouse and training center for Distributors and Conklin Managers in the Lincoln, Nebraska area. Stan is a tremendous asset to the entire Heartland International distributor and customer network. You can reach Stan direct at 402-318-1743 or by email at SSmith.Conklin@gmail.com

Bill Lahman and his wife Robin are District Managers with the Conklin Company and members of the Heartland Organization. Bill is also a Family21 Premier Contractor, an experienced Conklin Roofing Contractor and has extensive construction experience. He is also knowledgeable about the Conklin AgroVantage® Products and assists in training and support of the Heartland International, Inc. organization across the USA. You can reach Bill by phone or text at 402-310-3483 or by email at blahman247@gmail.com